
One Response to “Happy Hanukkah 2016 Wishes”
  1. Sandra Johnson says:

    Hanukah is when we realize how important it is to fight against assimilation of Judaism.
    We have been chosen to bring light to a dark world, an awesome task .
    Judah Maccabee ,fought to stop assimilation and assimilated Jews fought against him. It is so interesting how history tries to repeat itself !
    It is an honor and a responsibility to be a shamash Jew and light other Jews with the passion of our patriarchs and matriarchs !
    It is up to each and every Jew to keep emunah and Jewish traditions strong within themselves.
    We have unique gifts to give the world it is up to us to passionately embrace them or deny the world great joy !
    So remember don’t be afraid dance for joy because of Hashems love for us , even if you start alone others are sure to join soon !
    It is more than lighting candles it is lighting lives !
    Happy Hanukah to all !

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