70 Best Politics Quotes And Sayings

Published on May 14, 2020 , under Quotes
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office politics are bloody-minded but weak on content. mason cooley

office politics are bloody-minded but weak on content. mason cooley

i never considered a difference of opinion in politics in religion in philosophy as cause for withdrawing from a friend. thomas jefferson

i never considered a difference of opinion in politics in religion in philosophy as cause for withdrawing from a friend. thomas jefferson

politics is the art of making your selfish desires seem like the national interest. thomas sowell

politics is the art of making your selfish desires seem like the national interest. thomas sowell

in america anyone can become president that’s the problem. george carlin

in america anyone can become president that’s the problem. george carlin

i should prefer to have a politician who regularly went to a massage parlour than one who promised a laptop computer for every teacher. a .n wilson

i should prefer to have a politician who regularly went to a massage parlour than one who promised a laptop computer for every teacher. a .n wilson

power without morality leads to abuse, and freedom without morality leads to depravity. oscar auliq ice

power without morality leads to abuse, and freedom without morality leads to depravity. oscar auliq ice

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i don’t want to spend the rest of my life in politics. when i’m finished with my term as governor, i’m goind back to the life that’s waiting for me in the private sector. jesse ventura

i don’t want to spend the rest of my life in politics. when i’m finished with my term as governor, i’m goind back to the life that’s waiting for me in the private sector. jesse ventura

politicians are the same all over. they promise to build a bridge even where there is no river. nikita khrushchev

politicians are the same all over. they promise to build a bridge even where there is no river. nikita khrushchev

as long i don’t write about the government, religion, politics and other institutions, i am free to print anything

as long i don’t write about the government, religion, politics and other institutions, i am free to print anything

politics is not an exact science

politics is not an exact science.

one of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. plato

one of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. plato

politicians is a love-hate relationship. i sure know that. richard lamm

politicians is a love-hate relationship. i sure know that. richard lamm

i don’t make jokes. i just watch the government and report the facts. will rogers

i don’t make jokes. i just watch the government and report the facts. will rogers

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show me a man that gets rich by being a politicians and i’ll show you a crook. harry s truman

show me a man that gets rich by being a politicians and i’ll show you a crook. harry s truman

politics is not a game. it is an earnest business.

politics is not a game. it is an earnest business.

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