130 Most Inspirational And Powerful Quotes About Leadership

Published on April 24, 2020 , under Quotes
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if you aren’t making any mistakes, its a sure sign. you’re playing it too safe. john c. maxwell

if you aren’t making any mistakes, its a sure sign. you’re playing it too safe. john c. maxwell

true leaders don’t create followers, they create more leaders

true leaders don’t create followers, they create more leaders

difficulties help us define our core goal and quit the habits that keep us from reaching it

difficulties help us define our core goal and quit the habits that keep us from reaching it

leadership is inspiring people. management is keeping the trains running on time. andy dunn

leadership is inspiring people. management is keeping the trains running on time. andy dunn

what you do has far greater impact than what you say. stephen covey

what you do has far greater impact than what you say. stephen covey

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leadership is about empathy. it is about having the ability to relate to and connect with people for the purpose of inspiring and empowering their lives. oprah winfrey

leadership is about empathy. it is about having the ability to relate to and connect with people for the purpose of inspiring and empowering their lives. oprah winfrey

the essence of great leadership is influence, not authority.

the essence of great leadership is influence, not authority.

you don’t lead by hitting people over the head that’s assault not leadership. dwight d. eisenhower

you don’t lead by hitting people over the head that’s assault not leadership. dwight d. eisenhower

great leaders don’t set out to be a leader… they set out to make a difference. its never about the role-alwyas about the goal

great leaders don’t set out to be a leader… they set out to make a difference. its never about the role-alwyas about the goal.

leaders have the courage to make unpopular decisions and gut calls. jack welch

leaders have the courage to make unpopular decisions and gut calls. jack welch

leadership is not a position or a title, it is action and example

leadership is not a position or a title, it is action and example

a leader is someone who helps improve the lives of other people, or improve the system they live under. sam houston

a leader is someone who helps improve the lives of other people, or improve the system they live under. sam houston

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when you’re pursuing any career really, but especially in one in technology, find your passion. and dont let anything stand in your way

when you’re pursuing any career really, but especially in one in technology, find your passion. and dont let anything stand in your way

leaders are those who always empower others

leaders are those who always empower others

leading means running fast enough to keep ahead of your people. s.m. stirling

leading means running fast enough to keep ahead of your people. s.m. stirling

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