130 Most Famous Unity Quotes And Sayings For Inspiration

Published on May 18, 2020 , under Quotes
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Where there is unity there is always victory. publius syris

Where there is unity there is always victory. publius syris

Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean. ryunosuke satoro

<img src="https://www.askideas.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Individually-we-are-one-drop.-Together-we-are-an-ocean.-ryunosuke-satoro.png" alt="Individually, we are one drop.

Together, we are an ocean. ryunosuke satoro” />

we all can work but together we win

we all can work but together we win

with our love we could save the world. george harrison

with our love we could save the world. george harrison

we are only as strong as we are united as weak as we are divided.

we are only as strong as we are united as weak as we are divided.

unity is strength division is weakness. swahili proverb

unity is strength division is weakness. swahili proverb

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always work in unity no matter what the situation is happy or sad believe in unity bcoz when i becomes we even illness becomes wellness. umair khan

always work in unity no matter what the situation is happy or sad believe in unity bcoz when i becomes we even illness becomes wellness. umair khan

we shall unite. we have learned the meaning of unity. cesar chavez

we shall unite. we have learned the meaning of unity. cesar chavez

unity in diversity is india’s strength. there is simplicity in every indian. there is unity in every cornver of indian. this is our strength. narendra modi

unity in diversity is india’s strength. there is simplicity in every indian. there is unity in every cornver of indian. this is our strength. narendra modi

unity. it starts with you. if not you, then who

unity. it starts with you. if not you, then who

unity is a symbol of the true indian

unity is a symbol of the true indian

paint a rainbow of love in your heart for peace and unity

paint a rainbow of love in your heart for peace and unity

peace, love unity three things we can’t live without

peace, love unity three things we can’t live without

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we cannot live only for ourselves. a thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men. herman melville

we cannot live only for ourselves. a thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men. herman melville

when we are united, no one can stop us

when we are united, no one can stop us

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