105 Most Beautiful Judgment Quotes And Sayings

Published on August 24, 2018 , under Quotes
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Failure is simply a few errors in judgment, repeated every day

Failure is simply a few errors in judgment, repeated every day

they tell you to be yourself then they judge you

they tell you to be yourself then they judge you

judgements prevent us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances. Wayne Dyer

judgements prevent us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances. Wayne Dyer

Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment. Will rogers

Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment. Will rogers

when someone judges you, it isn’t about you. It’s about them& their own insecurities, limitations, & needs

when someone judges you, it isn’t about you. It’s about them& their own insecurities, limitations, & needs

It may be a case of bad judgment bordering on stupidity.Jonathan Shapiro

It may be a case of bad judgment bordering on stupidity.Jonathan Shapiro

Foolish men imagine that because judgment for an evil thing is delayed, there is no justice; but only accident here below. Judgment for an evil thing is many times delayed some day or two, some century or two, but it is sure as life, it is sure as death. thomas carlyle

Foolish men imagine that because judgment for an evil thing is delayed,…. thomas carlyle

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Real magic in relationships means an absence of judgment of others. wayne dyer

Real magic in relationships means an absence of judgment of others. wayne dyer

A negative judgment gives you more satisfaction than praise, provided it smacks of jealousy. Jean baudrillard

A negative judgment gives you more satisfaction than praise, provided it smacks of jealousy. Jean baudrillard

never waste your time trying to explain who you are to people who are committed to misunderstanding you

never waste your time trying to explain who you are to people who are committed to misunderstanding you

a little more kindness a little less judgment

a little more kindness a little less judgment

love is the absence of judgment. dalai lama XIV

love is the absence of judgment. dalai lama XIV

judging a person does not define who they are… it defines who you are

judging a person does not define who they are… it defines who you are

People tell others to be themselves but then they judge them. but the people that judge are too afraid to be themselves

People tell others to be themselves but then they judge them. but the people that judge are too afraid to be themselves

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Through silence, through meditation, and through non- judgment, you will access the first law, the law of pure potentiality. Deepak chopra

Through silence, through meditation, and through non- judgment, you will access the first law, the law of pure potentiality. Deepak chopra

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