10 Food Items That Can Help You Prevent and Treat Dengue

Published on April 19, 2018 , under Health
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10 Food Items That Can Help You Prevent and Treat Dengue

As summer starts the risk of getting diseases caused by mosquitoes increases. Dengue is one of the most dangerous diseases caused by mosquitoes. It needs hands-on approach to be cured and needs treatment as soon as possible. The disease is transmitted by the bite of a female mosquito. It is a disease in which the patient suffers from high fever and the symptoms appear in 3-14 days after the mosquito’s bite. There are many symptoms of Dengue in which some of the most common ones are headache, fever, muscle and joint pain and skin rash. There can be many other situations like nausea and vomiting, pain behind the eyes and low blood pressure.

It is truly said that “Prevention is better than cure” hence rather than finding cure for a disease like Dengue it is better that we prevent the conditions that might cause it. There are many food items that can help you be in the safe zone from dangerous disease like dengue. 10 food items that can help you prevent and Treat Dengue are:

  1. Kiwi and Strawberries: It helps in Production of lymphocytes in the body. This fruit can have a direct impact on bacteria and viruses entering the body and hence it can help in the prevention of Dengue. You can juice these fruits or eat them after chopping as well.
  2. Tulsi leaves: This is a very healthy thing when it comes to many health issues. It is known to be rich in many nutrients and when added in tea or warm water with black pepper, it helps in building immunity which is important to fight many diseases. It is one of the best homemade medicines to prevent Dengue and it has no side effects.
  3. Coconut Water: This is one of the most refreshing drinks in summer which also has various nutrients in it. Coconut water is also a rich source of electrolytes and it helps to regulate the fluid intake in body keeping the whole body hydrated in summers.
  4. Giloy: This important herb in Ayurveda helps in better metabolism and it is a great medicine to improve the immune system which will help in prevention of Dengue and other diseases. You can add it to a cup of warm water and have it as a herbal drink which has all the required nutrients.
  5. Orange: Fruits like orange which is rich in Vitamin C is always a good option for health. It is up to you if you want to peel and eat it or you want to have a refreshing juice. Orange has high fibre content which can again help in good metabolism and help in fighting Dengue.
  6. Neem Leaves: This is known to have medicinal properties and is considered to be very effective in restricting the growth and spreading of the Dengue virus. You can add the leaves to a cup of boiled water and all the nutrients will go inside your body with it.
  7. Turmeric: It is known for boosting metabolism which is very important to prevent any disease to infect our body. It is also known for its healing properties and the best way you can have turmeric is by adding it to milk.
  8. Papaya: This fruit is considered to be very good for the prevention of Dengue. Even papaya leaves can be used to help in prevention of Dengue. It is known to increase the platelet rate in the blood which is the main issue when it comes to Dengue. The already good platelet rate will help in preventing this disease before you need a cure.
  9. Goldenseal: This is an herb which has its roots as the most effective medicine for Dengue. You can dry its root and make medicine from it which can help in clearing even the symptoms of Dengue very quickly. You can chew or juice it after crushing it.
  10. Lemon Juice: It is known to remove toxins from the body hence we can remove viruses which can cause Dengue. It is a great substitute to tasty drink with a lot of hydration that is provided to the body.

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