Overthinking Is Biggest Cause Of Unhappiness. – 4 Ways to Stop Overthinking

Published on May 9, 2017 , under Education
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Top psychologists of the world have already admitted that more than 90% of their patients who approach them for depression and anxiety issues are plagued by the disease of overthinking. I have myself been a victim of this wicked cycle which proved extremely detrimental to my emotional and spiritual peace . Over the years I have overcome it by few techniques and practices which I want to share with you which might help you to stop overthinking:

Overthinking is biggest cause of unhappiness.

1. Meditation– Can’t stress as to how crucial this one was to make peace with myself. The first time you will try it, there might be a cascade of all the negative thoughts and experiences which might be overwhelming. Stay detached from them, hold onto your breath and know that you are getting detoxified from all the negativity. 10 minutes in Morning every single day will increase your Focus and Productivity

2. Find a Hobby – The cycle of overthinking amplifies when you are idle. Let’s be honest, you can only think too much when you actually have time. Find yourself a hobby or something that is non related to your profession and gives you your “Me” time. Learning a Musical Instrument, getting involved in a outdoor support, becoming a part of a book club. Whatever that keeps you connected with yourself

3. Socialize and Share – Remember, we are Social Animal. It doesn’t matter how introverted you are, you still need Human Contact. I am not asking you go to parties every single day but as soon as you feel you have created that overthinking vibe in the room, just get out and change the environment. Go meet an old friend or share your thoughts with someone you trust. It will do a world of good for your confidence and the problem of thinking too much

4. Less Stimulants– Remember Overthinking is one of outcomes of an overactive Sympathetic Nervous System (Fight or Flight Response). Using Stimulants like Caffeine will only worsen the case. Drink more Water or Chamomile Tea to relax your Nervous System and stimulate Parasympathetic Nervous System (Rest or Digest System)

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