How to make a big and beautiful sock bun

Published on September 23, 2016 , under Hairstyles
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How to make a big and beautiful sock bun video

What You Need:

1. Take a sock and cut its toe end with scissor.

How to make a big and beautiful sock bun (2)

2. Roll up the sock so that it like a donut or ring shaped.

How to make a big and beautiful sock bun (3)

How to make a big and beautiful sock bun (4)

3. Slip it over the ponytail, so that all the hairs gathered inside.

How to make a big and beautiful sock bun (5)

4. When all the hairs gathered inside than pull the sock roll to the end of your hairs.

How to make a big and beautiful sock bun (6)

5. Tuck the hairs around the side and into the center of the bun.

How to make a big and beautiful sock bun (7)

6. Hold the ends of your hair at the center of the sock and roll the fabric down towards the base of the ponytail.

How to make a big and beautiful sock bun (8)

7. Rotate the sock as you roll it down so that it is completely covered by your hair.

How to make a big and beautiful sock bun (9)

8. When the sock reaches the base of the ponytail, tug on the edges and adjust them so that none of the sock can be seen through your hair.

How to make a big and beautiful sock bun (10)

Useful Tips:
1. Use an odd sock that isn’t useful anymore
2. Sock should be ankle or mid-shin length; anything longer risks bunching up.
3. Use sock close in color to your hair color, as it will blend in.

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