9 Common mistakes that stop you from losing weight

Published on May 24, 2018 , under Health
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9 Common mistakes that stop you from losing weight

“Become someone’s motivation, because perfect body shape is something not easy to attain these days.”

Convince yourself mentally, what you really aspire to achieve, is it your temporary goal or something you want to keep with you in long term. If You want to get in shape, and want to drop a lot of pounds. Everything needs to be planned and so is your diet. You just need to figure out the reason why you really wish to achieve that hour glass figure. It’s not going to be a tough task, but the one needs proper planning, and determination. It’s going to be a struggle for you, but your spirit will let you overcome it easily. Create the plans that actually fit your lifestyle. Once you nail your diet, follow it as you planned to do, you will be able to achieve your body goals quicker for sure. You need not to starve yourself, because eating enough is also very important. If you are planning to keep a weight loss diet, it’s not going to be easy for you, you would wish to expect results in short time, but then will lose faith and ultimately would give up. If you consider weight loss is just about counting your calories, then you are way wrong. High quality sleep, limiting your stress level, your health conditions, hormones, these all factors all going to pay a great contribution towards your weight loss process.
Pay attention to your body, care about yourself, and be kind to your body, because your body is the only one going to be with you in long run.
But some of your lifestyle habits can really hinder your success,those common mistakes can easily undermine your best weight loss efforts. These things you need to avoid because these can halt or even reverse your progress. Here I am going to mention some common mistakes:

  1. The time you decide to skip your meals: you have got an assumption that cutting your breakfast or lunch is an easy way to reduce number of calories. But in reality it’s not the truth. The time you skip your meals, later you overeat and that is where your whole balance in the body becomes a mess. It should be kept in mind that you should not go longer than 5 hours during the day without eating. So never ever skip your meals, because it is just going to lead you to the opposite.
  2. Avoiding vegetables: vegetables are low calorie alternative as compared to other snacks, but in many cases we just ignore them or don’t eat them as much they are required by our body. They are quite nutritious and are quite essential to ensure a healthy weight loss method.
  3. List out the reasons why you want to lose your weight: just figure out this why, which is going to compel you in later run as to why you wished to lose weight. If you are not able to find this motivation, it’s sure that you are going to end up your process soon with poor results. Stick your reasons to the places where you can see them every day, whether it’s your heath, vanity or desire for more energy. Writing down your goals on a piece of paper and taking a look at them every day multiplies your success rate.
  4. Do you avoid reading the labels on products: wisely read the labels mentioned on the products, because those labels guide you about the ingredients mentioned, thus can warn you about the unwanted calories and unhealthy ingredients present in it. Nutrition facts label and the ingredients list is quite important to be read in order to ensure good health. Make sure and try to understand how to accurately read the labels.
  5. When all you eat is HIGHLY PROCESSED FOOD: the processed food is quite easy to consume and this is one of the reason that you start consuming it in a large amount. On the other hand when we talk about the whole foods, they are self-limiting, in short they are hard to over-consume. Even the recent researchers have stated that the processed food is one of the major factor in the current epidemic of obesity and many other health related issues.
  6. Are you still drinking sugar? : You want to lose weight and you have bid goodbye to the soft drinks and other sweetened beverages. But if you consider drinking fruit juice is going to be good for your health, than certainly that’s a big mistake. Even the fruit juice which shows the label of 100 %( fruit juice) is loaded with sugar and in the end it is going to match all the health and weight problems similar to those caused by sugar sweetened beverages. Thus avoid the intake of fruit juice because in return of it you are going to intake a lot of calories.
  7. Don’t forget to track what you eat:track the amount of calories you intake, because that’s going to help you out in your weight loss process. You are on a nutritious diet but in spite of it if you intake more calories that is going to trouble you in the later run. Get the latest applications downloaded, through which you can enter not only the food you intake, but you can also enter you daily activities as well. Thus its mandatory to track what you eat, it’s going to provide you accountability and a whole picture of your calorie and nutrient consumption.
  8. Consuming a low fiber diet:a point to remember is that “ALL TYPES OF FIBER BENEFIT WEIGHT LOSS.” A type of soluble fiber that we name as viscous fiber helps to reduce the appetite and calorie intake much more as compared to others, it forms a gel that holds water. This gel moves slowly across your digestive tract and makes you feel full at times, thus contributes to your weight loss efforts.
  9. Don’t focus only on the scale weight: don’t be impatient or disappointed if you feel you are not losing weight fast enough. Weight is determined by many factors, it includes fluid fluctuations, and how much food is present in your system. In case of women, estrogen levels and other hormonal changes can certainly lead to large amount of water retention which might be reflected in your scale weight. The number on the scale might be moving slow, but you may very well be losing mass but holding on water. With the help of tape measure, measure your waist and rejoice yourself by taking monthly pictures, this would actually reveal that you are losing weight, even if the scale number does not change much.

Motivation from your friends, family, is must as they are going to help you out to achieve your goal, you alone might feel disappointment at some time, but they are the circle of your strength. So discuss your plans with them, and MAKE YOUR DREAMS TOMMORROW’S REALITY.
“It’s the time to turn your cants into cans, all your dreams into plans, and with your positive attitude, YOU CAN DO IT.”

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